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I farm and ranch so I know agriculture and the agricultural economy, the importance of property tax reform, and reimplementing Mandatory of Country Labeling laws (M-COOL) for beef.

We need to ensure that property taxes on Ag land are reasonable and in line with the use of the land to ensure that our South Dakota farms and ranches stay profitable so they can stay in business to continue to produce the food for our tables.

I am a big believer in the importance of reimplementing Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (MCOOL) Laws for beef. American consumers have the right to know what country the beef they are buying is from. Hopefully, the recent bill submitted by Senator Thune will achieve this goal. However, if he is not successful, I’m confident there are things we can do at the state level through legislation to help Senator Thune achieve this goal.

With the rampant rate of inflation, we need to send someone with the expertise I can bring to the next legislative session to help ensure more money stays in the pockets of hardworking South Dakotans.

It is for these reasons, and others, that I’ve been asked many times to run for a legislative office. There is no one else running for a House of Representatives seat in District 33 that has the expertise and experience tax that I have to bring to Pierre, to be that advocate voice for hardworking farmers and ranchers. If you are in agriculture, have friends, or have family in agriculture, I respectfully ask for your support.

This is why I am asking farmers/ranchers, business owners, friends, and neighbors in District 33 to show their support for my candidacy for the House of Representatives. Your financial contributions will allow me to get my name out to those within District 33, but most importantly it is by you casting your vote for me that will allow me to go to Pierre and be that advocate voice for South Dakota farmers and ranchers.

Curt Massie Advocate for Ag

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